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IGA Tournaments / Competitions
International Golf Associates
There are currently 9 competitions scheduled
Date   Club / Course Name   From   To   Formula   Green Fee   Entry Fee
2024-07-28   Domaine du Mont Saint Jean /   11:00   12:00   Stableford   55 €   10 €
Organizer:   Austin, Scott
Tee-times still available

Golf Car/Voiturette: 35€

Date   Club / Course Name   From   To   Formula   Green Fee   Entry Fee
2024-08-03   Golf de la Manchette /   10:00   11:00   Stableford   60 €   10 €
Organizer:   Austin, Scott
Tee-times still available

Note: The Golf de la Manchette Secretariat now accepts credit card payment for green-fees ONLY.

Date   Club / Course Name   From   To   Formula   Green Fee   Entry Fee
2024-08-24   Domaine du Val de Sorne /   11:40   12:40   Stableford   59 €   10 €
Organizer:   Austin, Scott
Tee-times still available

Golf Car/ Voiturette: 35€

Date   Club / Course Name   From   To   Formula   Green Fee   Entry Fee
2024-09-07   Golf Club Chamonix Mont-Blanc /   11:30   12:40   Stableford   95 €   10 €
Organizer:   Austin, Scott
Tee-times still available

Golf Car/Voiturette: 50€

Date   Club / Course Name   From   To   Formula   Green Fee   Entry Fee
2024-09-21   Golf de la Sorelle /   11:00   12:00   Stableford   55 €   10 €
Organizer:   Austin, Scott
Tee-times still available

Golf Car/Voiturette:36€

Date   Club / Course Name   From   To   Formula   Green Fee   Entry Fee
2024-10-05   Golf du Lac d'Annecy - Talloires /   12:30   13:30   Stableford   64 €   10 €
Organizer:   Austin, Scott
Tee-times still available

Golf Car/ Voiturette: 47 €

Date   Club / Course Name   From   To   Formula   Green Fee   Entry Fee
2024-10-26   Golf Club d'Aix-les-Bains /   10:30   11:30   Stableford   70 €   10 €
Organizer:   Austin, Scott
Tee-times still available
Date   Club / Course Name   From   To   Formula   Green Fee   Entry Fee
2024-10-27   Evian Resort Golf Club /   10:30   11:30   Stableford   105 €   10 €
Organizer:   Austin, Scott
Tee-times still available

Golf Car/Voiturette: 50€

Date   Club / Course Name   From   To   Formula   Green Fee   Entry Fee
2024-11-04   Monte Rei Golf & Country Club / North Course           Stableford     10 €
Organizer:   Hampson, Corinne
Assisting:   Brocart, Anita
Tee-times still available

IGA-FS Season Closer in Portugal (Algarve)

Date: Monday November 4 to Monday November 11, 2024

Hotel: AP Maria Nova Lounge Hotel (4* Tavira – City Center) 

  • 7 nights’ accommodation 
  • Breakfast included (Buffet). 
  • 6 Rounds of Golf, with shared Buggy (Break on the Friday)


  • 05/11 - Monte Rei Golf & Country Club
  • 06/11 - Quinta da Ria
  • 07/11 - Quinta de Cima Golf  or Ombria Golf
  • 08/11 - (Day Off) - Dom Pedro Golf  
  • 09/11 - Quinta do Vale Golf
  • 10/11 - Castro Marim Golf 
  • 11/11 - Benamor Golf 

Private RT Golf Transfer, for the above golf courses Private Transfers Faro’s Airport 
(Arrival & Departure on flights quoted hereunder exclusively) 

Total Price per person:

Land View Roo

  • 1280€ p.p. in Twin
  • 1520€ p.p. in Single 

Pool View Room 

  • 1340€ p.p. in Twin 
  • 1630€ p.p. in Single 

Supplements, per person: 
Optional Golf on Friday: 
Tee Time in Dom Pedro Golf with shared buggy + Private RT Golf transfer – 210€ p.p. 


Note: As usual, please note that your “golfing friends” are also welcomed to sign up and participate with us. Please bear in mind that those “golfing friends” who have participated with us in a previous Season Opener or Closer and/or have participated in a maximum of 3 IGA-FS calendar competitions … must pay 100 CHF extra to cover their IGA membership and required public liability golfing insurance.


Flights should be booked individually as follows:

  • November 4, 2024 : Geneva-Faro Flight EZS 1456 16:05 - 17:45 
  • November 11, 2024 : Faro – Geneva Flight EZS 1460 18:15 - 21:45 

At this time, return flights are around CHF 110.-

As this period is still high season in Algarve, Sunshine Tours would need our confirmations as soon as possible so as to secure our rooms. So kindly send your requests mentioning: 

  • choice of room 
  • optional golf on the Friday or not 
  • mention whether you would require a buggy or would rather walk the courses (if available) in which case prices will be adjusted accordingly. Buggy prices range from €37.- to €50.-
  • Transportation (Easyjet Flights or other) 

Note: Deadline for registration is currently Friday July 12, 2024.

International Golf Associates
Franco-Suisse Chapter
Geneva, Switzerland
email contact IGA
url http://www.iga-fs.com