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New Membership Registration
International Golf Associates

Please take your time in completing the registration form to ensure the accuracy of the information.

To make your payment you will need to submit a bank transfer / Bulletin de Versement:


Bank address: 1211 Genève 2

Account Holder: IGA - Franco/Suisse

Account number: 240-448506.01R


Clearing No. 0240 (You may need this instead of the BIC for transfers within Switzerland)

IBAN: CH65 0024 0240 4485 0601 R

Be sure and indicate that the payment is for an "IGA annual membership fee".

Please note that should you have children under the age of 18 their membership with IGA is free. Children under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardien as a member of IGA before they will be allowed admission into a local club.

After completing and submitting this form using the "Payment By Bulletin de Versement" button you will be emailed your IGA login information. As this transaction is being done using the "honor system" we expect that you will pay by "bulliten de versement" in the coming days.


I Agree

* By checking this box you affirm that you have read and agree to the terms found in IGA Membership

Prefix Gender
First Name  *
Middle Name
Last Name  *
e-Mail  *
Telephone  *
Address  *

Postal Code  *
City  *
Annual Membership 100 CHF
January 1 - December 31  2025
HCP / Index  *
Password  *
Confirm Password  *

Member of a national golf handicap organization / federation?
If yes, please complete the following fields:

Golf Federation
Golf Federation ID
International Golf Associates
Franco-Suisse Chapter
Geneva, Switzerland
email contact IGA
url http://www.iga-fs.com